Spory Psilocybe cubensis Escondido (Mexico) (10 ml)

Injection (10 ml). This species occurs in subtropical and tropical climates around the world.
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Skladem (6 )
List Number: 212
Price excluding VAT:Kč445,54
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Injection (10 ml). This species occurs in subtropical and tropical climates around the world.

Substrate: rye, straw, pasteurized manure
Colonization: 28 ° C
Growth: 24 ° C - 26 ° C

This product does not contain any psychoactive or prohibited substances. It is sold exclusively for research, ethnobotanical and collecting purposes. By growing, you come into conflict with the legislation of the Czech Republic. Consumption of mature fruiting bodies is not recommended. All the above texts are for information purposes only and serve general descriptive and educational needs.

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